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A Rollator a walker with a wheel at the bottom of each leg. There are 3 wheel rollators and 4 wheel rollators, and most have some kind of a pouch or basket to carry your things.
Rollators are perfect for long trips or for those who don't want to be slowed down by their mobility equipment. Rollators are easier to use than walkers because they are simply pushed like a cart rather than having to be lifted.
Rollators are perfect for use outdoors where the surfaces may be uneven. They can also be used indoors, and some are even narrow enough to navigate through tricky halls and doorways.
Easy tool free assembly
Aluminum construction for low weight, high strength
Available in 8" whee...
Easy tool free assembly
Aluminum construction for low weight, high strength
Available in 6" whee...
Easy tool free assembly
Aluminum construction for low weight, high strength
Available in 6" whee...
Mobb Steel Rollator
Made from high strength steel
6" PVC wheels
Integrated storage/shopping bag